Dentsu’s Attention Economy team worked with Lumen Research on creating a methodology for calculating Audio engagement using visual metric equivalents.
The goal was to ensure a level playing field when comparing the attention paid to ads in television, online video, digital display, social, podcasts and radio.
Dentsu’s research shows podcast ads generate the highest attention (i.e., attentive seconds per thousand impressions) when compared to other digital, social and TV.
In relation to brand choice, podcasting provides an average uplift of 7%. For host reads, the number’s higher at 8%.
Audio’s performance exceeds Dentsu norms on video, TV, digital display and social on every key metric that matters. Audio
The Lumen research confirms the connection between attention and sales. As attention to content and advertising increases, so also do sales.
This relationship to sales, allied to cost efficiency, makes Audio the most efficient investment choice.
The Dentsu/Lumen study rejects the myth that “sight, sound and motion” ads are superior to audio ads. The study proves that audio outperforms visual ads when it comes to creating memories, growing brand recall and increasing brand choice.
Podcasts, considered “expensive,” are actually cost effective on an “attention CPM” basis. The Podcasts headline $25 media CPM drops to $2.80 attention CPM, well below the Dentsu $4.30 average.
Display media, perceived as cost effective, actually has a very expensive attention CPM ($9.70).
Linear FM radio should be in every media plan: It outperforms visual media on the business outcomes of brand recall and brand choice while having a stunningly low attention CPM of 40 cents.
Source: Lumen: Radio and podcasts attentiveness study. Dentsu Attention Economy